Hammer Time 2.0Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV S2 [S Tier Overpower DPS]
(It’s HAMMER TIME!Slam that massive Warhammer into the ground and grind your foes into dust.)
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Diablo IV Season 2 (Season of the Blood) started on October 17th, 2023 for Players on PC (Battle.Net & Steam), XBOX, & PlayStation. After extensive testing, I bring you a Hammer of the Ancients & Overpower Barbarianwith S Tier Overpower DPS for the Archetype. The build’s relatively easy to gear up & get things going & requires 0 non-codex aspect. Only 1 out of the 3 Uniques is a Duriel Drop. As usual, I’ll evolve & keep my builds updated. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Hammer Time 2.0.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for my builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect + unique item + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added a link to a new build calculator/planner (MOBALYTICS) that I’ll be using from now on as well which seems amazing.
This build will be updated when needed.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my Latest & older Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Hammer Time 2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Bash – Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing 30% (X – Y) damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon. Requires bludgeoning weapon. Generate Fury: 13 Lucky Hit Chance: 50% (per hit) Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Bash – Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash grants you 20% Maximum Life as Fortify. Double this amount when using a Two-Handed weapon.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Combat Bash – After Critically Striking 4 times with Bash using a Two-Handed weapon, your next Core or Weapon Mastery Skill will Overpower.
(active) Hammer of the Ancients – Slam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing 50% (X – ?) damage to a concentrated area. Requires a two-handed bludgeoning weapon. Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 40% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Core,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients – Gain 3% (multiplicative) more Fury for 5 seconds for each enemy damaged by Hammer of the Ancients, stacking up to 10 times.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Hammer of the Ancients – Hammer of the Ancients deals 1% (multiplicative) additional damage for each point of Fury you had when using it.
(passive – potentially can put the last 1 skill point here) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10%/20%/30% to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Rallying Cry – Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by 50% (multiplicative) for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds | Tags: Defensive, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry generates 25 Fury and grants you an additional 50% (multiplicative) Resource Generation.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) War Cry – Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by 15% (multiplicative) for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds Tags: Brawling, Shout Cooldown: 25 seconds | Tags: Defensive, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced War Cry War Cry grants you Berserking for 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Power War Cry If at least 6 enemies are Nearby when War Cry is cast, its damage bonus is increased by an additional 10% (multiplicative).
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Leap – Leap forward and then slam down, dealing 32.5% (X – ?) damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact. Cooldown: 17 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 66% (per hit) Damage: Physical ; Tags: Brawling,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Leap – If Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2)Power Leap – If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.
(passive) Booming Voice – Shout Skill effect durations are increased by 10%/20%/30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade) Raid Leader – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Guttural Yell – did NOT take this one
(passive) Swiftness – Movement Speed is increased by +4%/+8%/+12%.
(upgrade) Quick Impulses – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 ) Not taking an active Weapon Mastery skill
(1st upgrade)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2)
(passive) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) No Mercy– did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 7.5%/15%/22.5% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(upgrade) Expose Vulnerability – did NOT take this one
(passive – ONLY put 1 point here) Thick Skin – Each time you take direct damage gain 0.4%/0.7%/1.1% Maximum Life as Fortify.
(upgrade) Defensive Stance– did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Counteroffensive – While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative) increased damage.
(passive) did not pick any other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Wrath of the Berserker – Gain Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds Cooldown: 60 seconds Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Supreme Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by 30% (multiplicative)
(2nd upgrade) Prime Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury spend increases Berserk’s damage bonus by 25% (multiplicative), up to 100% (multiplicative).
(passive) Wallop – Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased damage if the enemy is Stunned orVulnerable.
(upgrade) Concussion – did NOT take this one
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.
(upgrade) Brute Force – Your Overpower deals 15%/30%/45% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: Unlocking this skill upgrade requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) Tempered Fury – Increase your Maximum Fury by 3/6/9.
(upgrade) Furious Impulse– did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Invigorating Fury – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Unbridled Rage – Core Skills deal 135% (multiplicative) increased damage, but cost 100% (multiplicative) more Fury.
Seasonal Mechanic (Vampiric Powers):
In Season 2 (Season of Blood), the seasonal Mechanics involves slotting in up to 5 (out of 22) Vampiric Powers at once. Each power requires a certain number of pacts to be applied to your armor. There are 3 types of Pacts: Ferocity, Divinity, Eternity. Pacts can be applied to Armor as follows: Helmet & Boots up can have to 3, Pants up to 4, while Chest Armor and Gloves can have up to 5 pacts applied to them. That Makes a Total of 20 and is enough for any possible combination of 5 powers. Below you can find Information of the total pacts this build needs + the 5 powers we’ve used.
Metamorphosis = ferocity 2, divinity 2, eternity 2 Evading making us unstoppable is great! This helps triggering Tibault’s Will‘s unique special/effect. Also causes Vampiric Curse (read below why it’s needed)
Blood Boil = eternity 6 TOP synergy for any Overpower build. Every 20 seconds a guaranteed Overpower
Prey on the Weak = ferocity 2 it’s good bit of extra dps but also good synergy with HotA builds so we don’t require Accursed Touch as evading through enemies will keep the curse on them (due to Metamorphosis).
Sanguine Brace = divinity 1 + eternity 1 a very good fit for classes that can keep the fortify up (like a Barbarian) for that extra +8% crit chance is great here.
Hemomancy = eternity 3 this one helps with trash mobs clear and also heals us a bit every 4 seconds. Very good on Overworld content like Helltide or Blood Harvest.
Alternative options (instead of Hemomancy):
Undying a bit of extra healing with each attack/cast
Resilience extra Damage Reduction so you may prefer it over Undying. For lower tier NMDs & overworld content Resilience won’t be needed and neither will it be needed for Uber Bosses (except maybe for Uber Lilith but for her you need well timed evading & keeping your armor high more than anything)
Class Mechanics (Arsenal, Expertise, Technique):
The Barbarian class mechanics are called Arsenal, Weapon Expertise & Weapon Technique and this is how I it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will not rarely count as either for passives & triggers.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by 1 Slashing type weps like 2h Swords, 2h Axes, & Polearms and by 1 Bludgeoning Weapon like 2h Hammer and 2h Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
On top of this, each weapon type has it’s own passive bonus that levels can be leveled up to rank 10 + a weapon technique which gets slotted into a slot that lets you benefit from the passive bonuses of a certain weapon with all attacks, regardless of the weapon they used. Here is how I recommend that you arrange the weapons by skill and also which weapon technique to use:
Dual Wielded OR 2-handed Slashing will be attached to Leap. I personally prefer Dual Wielded for it as I’m looking for speed when using Leap to escape enemy CCs or initiate a fight rather than dmg with that skill.
2-handed Bludgeoning must be on both Bash & Hammer of the Ancients as the build demands it for Bash‘s guaranteed Core SkillOverpowerafter critically striking 4 times with a 2H Bludgeoning
Unique Items
In Diablo IV we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Uniques inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top picks will be the following:
Top Pick Uniques for the Build
Banished Lord’s Talisman (Amulet)
+[X]% Resistance to All Elements After you spend 300 of your Primary Resource, your next Core Skill is guaranteed to Overpower. Your Critical Strikes that Overpower deal x[80-120]%increased damage.
+[5 – 12]% Resource Generation +[21 – 42] Overpower Damage +[1.8 – 5]% Critical Strike Chance +1 Ranks of All Core Skills (note: this goes to +2 at max upgrade rank)
“His name has been lost to history, but to have been exiled from a land as cursed as Hawezar, his deeds must have been truly depraved.” – Scholar’s Notes
Ring of Red Furor (Ring)
+X% Resistance to All Elements +Y% Fire Resistance
After spending 100 Fury within 3 seconds, your next cast of Hammer of the Ancients, Upheaval, or Death Blow is a guaranteed Critical Strike and deals x[10 – 30]% (multiplicative) bonus Critical Strike Damage.
“Anger brings strength but clouds the mind. You must learn to focus your fury, direct it with purpose. Keep our sacred duty at the forefront of your mind, always.” – Talic, to Madawc
The Grandfather (Two-Handed Sword) BEST-IN-SLOT 2N Slashing BUT it’s a uber unique so you may never get it before the season ends.
+[17.5%] Critical Strike Damage
Increases your Critical Strike Damage by x[60 – 100]%. The other properties on this weapon can roll higher than normal.
+[14 – 28]% Damage +[XYZ] Maximum Life +[36] All Stats Ignores Durability Loss (this affects all durability loss not just for this item)
An unbroken lineage of unwavering strength.
Godslayer Crown (Helm)
When you Stun, Freeze, or Immobilize an Elite enemy, or damage a Boss, it pulls in nearby enemies. You deal x[30-60]%increased damage to them for 3 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 12 seconds.
+[4.2 – 7]% Cooldown Reduction +[X – Y] Maximum Life +[10.5 – 17.5]% Damage +[5 – 12]% Crowd Control Duration
“The Sahptev faithful believe in a thousand and one gods. If it takes me as many lifetimes, I will find and kill them all.” – Gaspar Stilbian, Veradani Outcast
Ideal & best-in-slot Helm Choice: Right now this seems like a very good option for any build and if you’re lucky enough to get I Strongly advise trying it. I personally felt that my DPS fell too much while wearing it so I went back to a Godslayer Crown. Harlequin Crest (Helm)
Gain [20%] Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +[4] Ranks to All Skills.
+[N] Maximum Life +X% Cooldown Reduction +12% Resource Generation +[28] All Stats
“This headdress was once worn by an assassin disguised as a court mage. Her treachery was unveiled, but not before she used its magic to curse the king’s entire lineage.” – The Fall of House Aston
Alternative Helm Choice 2: This isn’t a direct Synergy for this build but has it’s worth when used. If you’re lucky enough to get I advise trying it and deciding if you like it or not. The attack speed is pretty great and so is having 90 poison resistance on an item, on the other hand the lifesteal is not that great but is still better than none at all. Andariel’s Visage (Helm)
Lucky Hit: Up to a [15 – 20]% chance to trigger a poison nova that applies XPoisoning damage over 5 seconds to enemies in the area.
+18 All Stats +10% Attack Speed +2% Life Steal (fully upgraded goes to +3%) +60% Poison Resistance (fully upgraded goes to +90%)
The horrific whispers of the Maiden of Anguish flicker through your mind, pushing you ever closer to madness…
Tibault’s Will (Pants) (this one’s very good to use if you don’t feel like your survivability sucks or for overworld and other easier content as well as to swap to for boss fights)
While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores 20% Resource You deal x[20-40]%increased damage while Unstoppable and for 4 secondsafter. When you become Unstoppable, gain 50 of your Primary Resource.
+[2 – 3] Potion Capacity +[7 – 14]% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies +[10.5 – 17.5]% Damage +[5 – 13] Maximum Resource
“The younger apprentices think wearing heavy plate in the swamps is foolish. They fail to understand that our armor is our legacy, and without it we are nothing.” – Crusader Pembroke
Sockets & Gems
There are various possible good/viable choices for the gem slots. I’ve shortlisted what works by slot. I’d recommend picking one of those:
Weps: Emerald. (if you don’t have any use Topaz for a bit) Armor: Ruby or Saphire/Topaz (dmg reduction can help you If needed in higher tier NM dungeons). Jewelry: Skull (ideally) OR Diamond if not capped on resists. Unless you need specific resistance more.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my Latest & Older Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Hammer Time 2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm:Exploiter’s Aspect/Harlequin CrestOR Godslayer Crown OR an Alternative Helm Pick (see notes in the Unique Items section)
Amulet: Rapid AspectOR Earthstriker’s Aspect / Banished Lord’s Talisman (see notes in the Unique Items section)
Chest: Relentless Berserker’s Apect
Pants: Aspect of Disobedience / Tibault’s Will (see notes in the Unique Items section)
Gloves: Aspect of The Expectant / Until The Grandfather is equipped as a 2h Slashing wep, then put Edgemaster’s Aspect here (see notes in the Unique Items section)
Boots: Ghostwalker Aspect
Ring 1: Rapid AspectOR Earthstriker’s Aspect / Ring of Red Furor (see notes in the Unique Items section)
Ring 2: Aspect of Echoing Fury
Main Hand Weapon: Aspect of Ancestral Force
Off-hand Weapon: Aspect of Inner Calm
2-H Weapon 1 (Bludgeoning): Aspect of Limitless Rage
2-H Weapon 2 (Slashing): Edgemaster’s Aspect / Until Grandfather is equipped as a 2h Slashing wep (see notes in the Unique Items section)
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. I’ve made two version: 1 for before the Abattoir of Lord Zir (December 5th) Patch and 1 for after the Abattoir patch. On the link you’ll see what the boards will look like at lvl 100 with ALL paragon points spent and fully min-maxed to get the most out of every board BUT it’s based on my gear’s attributes bonuses (STR, DEX, WIL) so you may need to re-order some of the floating nodes to make sure you get the double bonus requirements of all rare nodes. Leveling in Season 2 is fast so I no longer will provide a version with less points spent.
MAX LEVEL & MAX Paragon points spent Before Abattoir Patch : Click THIS LINK
MAX LEVEL & MAX Paragon points spent After Abattoir Patch: Click THIS LINK
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted various different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority. NOTE: I’ve added a new “Top Priority per Slot” list but left the old unsorted list below it.
This is the Sorted by Slot list of Top Priority Affixes/Rolls:
Priority 1: Damage While Berserking, Total Armor, Cooldown Reduction
Priority 2: Maximum Life, Basic Skill Attack Speed
Priority 3: Core Stats (Str, Wil, Dex, All Stats)
Priority 4: +N% X Resistance(es)
Priority 1: Total Armor, Overpower with 2h Bludgeoning, Damage Reduction from Close/Distant Enemies OR Damage Reduction while Fortified,
Priority 1: Total Armor, Movement Speed, Overpower DMG with 2H Bludgeoning, Cooldown Reduction
Priority 2: +X% Strength
Priority 3: +X Ranks of a Passive you like, Damage Reduction from Close or Distant Enemies/While Injured/While Fortified
Priority 4: Critical Strike Chance Against Injured, +X% Damage,
Priority 1: Damage While Berserking, Critical Strike Chance, Overpower Damage, Maximum Fury
Priority 2: Critical Strike Damage, Maximum Life
Priority 3: Damage to Close/Distant/Injured Enemies, Vulnerable Damage
Priority 4: Fortify Generation
Main Hand 1H-Weapon:
Priority 1: Damage While Berserking, Overpower Damage, Critical Strike Damage, (All Stats or Strength)
Priority 2: Core Skill Damage, Damage to Close Enemies
Priority 3: Vulnerable Damage, Damage to Injured Enemies, Damage to CCed
Priority 4: Other Core Stats (Dex, Wil, Int)
Off-hand Weapon:
Same priorities as the Main-Hand 1H Weapon(scroll up a bit and read)
2H Weapon 1 & 2H Weapon 2:
Same priorities as 1H Main Hand Weapon (scroll up a bit and read)
This is the UNsorted by list of useful Affixes/Rolls:
Overpower Damage
Critical Strike Chance/Critical Damage Bonus
Attack Speed
Damage While Berserking
Damage with CoreSkills
+ X Maximum Fury
+ X Ranks to Hammer of the Ancients / to all Core skills
Total Armor
Cooldown Reduction
+ Maximum Life
+ All Stats
+ Strength, + Willpower, + Dexterity
Damage to Close Enemies
Total Armor
Movement Speed
Damage Reduction while from Close/Distant Enemies
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Damage Reduction while Injured
Vulnerable Damage / Damage Against Vulnerable Enemies
Resistance to All Elements
+ X Ranks to Defensive/Brawling Skills (not that important)
+ X% Damage
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Damage while Healthy
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Physical Damage Bonus
Higher Priority
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit: Up to a +X% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Damage Against Crowd Controlled Enemies
Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% chance to Restore +X% Primary Resource
Fortify Generation
Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% chance to Heal +X Life
Barrier Generation
Lower Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV Latest Season 2 & Older (Post-Launch, RDY-4-Launch) Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
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This concludes theHammer Time 2.0Barbarian Build for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
Hammer Time Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV [S- Tier Grade]
(It’s HAMMER TIME! Slam that massive Warhammer into the ground and grind your foes into dust.)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launched on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation) and I’ve had my fair share of playing and testing done. I’m now ready to start making full Builds/Theorycrafts that work for both ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters as well as late endgame. I’ll evolve & keep them updated when we get major rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Hammer Time.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for my builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect + unique item + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added build calculator links (mostly needed for the paragons)
This build will be updated when needed.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Hammer Time) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Bash – Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing 30% (X – ?) damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon. Requires bludgeoning weapon. Generate Fury: 10 Lucky Hit Chance: 50% | Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Bash – Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash grants you 5% Base Life as Fortify. Double this amount when using a Two-Handed weapon.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Combat Bash – After Critically Striking 4 times with Bash using a Two-Handed weapon, your next Core or Weapon Mastery Skill will Overpower.
(active) Hammer of the Ancients – Slam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing 50% X – ?) damage to a concentrated area. Requires a two-handed bludgeoning weapon. Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 40% | Damage: Physical ; Tags: Core,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients – Gain 3% (multiplicative) more Fury for 5 seconds for each enemy damaged by Hammer of the Ancients, stacking up to 10 times.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Hammer of the Ancients – Hammer of the Ancients deals 1% (multiplicative) additional damage for each point of Fury you had when using it.
(passive) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10%/20%/30% to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) Endless Fury – Basic Skills generate 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) more Fury when using Two-Handed weapons.
(passive) did not pick any other Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Challenging Shout – Taunt nearby enemies and gain (40/45/50/55/60) Damage Reduction for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds | Tags: Defensive, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Challenging Shout – While Challenging Shout is active, gain 20% (multiplicative) bonus Maximum Life.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Challenging Shout – While Challenging Shout is active you gain 3 Fury each time you take damage.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Rallying Cry – Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by 50% (multiplicative) for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds | Tags: Defensive, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry generates 25 Fury and grants you an additional 50% (multiplicative) Resource Generation.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Charge – Become Unstoppable and rush forward pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for 25% (X – ?) damage and Knocking them Back. Cooldown: 17 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 33% | Damage: Physical ; Tags: Brawling,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Charge – Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain by Charge take 15% (X – ?) damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Mighty Charge – Damaging enemies with Charge makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) Booming Voice – Shout Skill effect durations are increased by 10%/20%/30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade) Raid Leader – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Guttural Yell – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 ) Not taking an active Weapon Mastery skill
(1st upgrade)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2)
(passive) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) No Mercy– did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 7.5%/15%/22.5% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(upgrade) Expose Vulnerability – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Wrath of the Berserker – Gain Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 25 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 40% | Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Supreme Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by 30% (multiplicative)
(2nd upgrade) Prime Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury spend increases Berserk’s damage bonus by 25% (multiplicative)
(passive – ONLY put 1 point here) Wallop – Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased damage if the enemy is Stunned orVulnerable.
(upgrade) Concussion Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a 10%/20%/30% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds, or up to a 15%/30%/45% chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.seconds.
(upgrade) Brute Force – Your Overpower deals 15%/30%/45% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: Unlocking this skill upgrade requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) Tempered Fury – Increase your Maximum Fury by 3/6/9.
(upgrade) Furious Impulse– did NOT take this one
(upgrade – ONLY put 1 point here and it’s totally optional) Invigorating Fury Heal for 3%/6%/9% of your Maximum Life for each 100 Fury spent.
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Unbridled Rage – Core Skills deal 135% (multiplicative) increased damage, but cost 100% (multiplicative) more Fury.
Class Mechanic:
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will apparently not count as either.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
On top of this, each weapon type has it’s own passive bonus levels weapon & a technique which gets unlocked after a certain threshold is reached. Here is how I recommend that you arrange the weapons by skill and also which weapon technique to use:
Dual Wielded OR 2-handed Slashing will be attached to Charge But. I personally prefer Dual Wielded for it as I’m looking for speed when used to escape enemy CCs or initiate a fight rather than dmg with that skill.
2-handed Bludgeoning must be on both Bash & Hammer of the Ancients as the build demands it for Bash‘s guaranteed Core SkillOverpowerafter critically striking 4 times with a 2H Bludgeoning
Unique Items
In Diablo IV we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Uniques inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top pick will be the following one but check below it & the notes under the Aspects list for more info:
Top Pick Unique for the Build
Harlequin Crest (Helm)
Gain [5-8%] Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +[2-4] Ranks to All Skills.
[0.245 – 0.455] Maximum Life X% Cooldown Reduction +[42 – 70]% Crafting Material Drop Rate [14 – 28] All Stats
“This headdress was once worn by an assassin disguised as a court mage. Her treachery was unveiled, but not before she used its magic to curse the king’s entire lineage.” – The Fall of House Aston
Additional/Alternative Unique for the Build
Ideally I’d want this one in the build but not sure how well it would work considering the Fury Drain that will occur
Melted Heart of Selig (Amulet)
[4 – 25]% Resistance to All Elements
Gain +30%Maximum Resource. In addition, when you take damage, drain [3 – 8]Resource for every 1% of Life you would have lost instead.
[10 – 18] All Stats +[12.5 – 19.5]% Core Skill Damage +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage while Healthy [7 – 14]% X Generation (Struck’s note: I’m 100% sure X here stands for each class’ Primary Resource: Mana, Essence, Spirit, Energy, Fury)
“Do not allow your passions to become obsessions. Fuel the fire that burns within you, but it is madness to allow yourself to become ash to please an uncaring universe.” – Last words of Master Selig
This one is an EXTREMELY RARE DROP but IF you get it It may be an amazing one for the 2h Slashing slot. (We get a solid chunk of MULTIPLICATIVE crit dmg from it and that should be a solid dps boost by itself on top of the +% dmg, life and core stats) The Grandfather (Two-Handed Sword)
+[17.5%] Critical Strike Damage
Increases your Critical Strike Damage by x[60 – 100]%. The other properties on this weapon can roll higher than normal.
+[14 – 28]% Damage [0.245 – 0.455] Maximum Life [20 – 36] All Stats Ignores Durability Loss
This one is an ALTERNATIVE pick and not something I suggested for the final build but worth considering. (It has pretty good rolls that come with it and pretty useful when mobbing, not so much vs bosses) Mother’s Embrace (Ring)
[6 – 35]% Fire Resistance [6 – 35]% Cold Resistance
If a Core Skill hits 5 or more enemies, [20 – 40]% of the Resource cost is refunded.
“Every tome, every scroll, every book in this temple produces the same answer. The only being willing to stand against the Eternal Conflict, against the Prime Evils, was Lilith.” – Elias
This one is an ALTERNATIVE pick and not something I suggested for the final build but worth considering. (It comes with not so good rolls but the unique affix is nice for either bosses or mobbing) Ring of Starless Skies (Ring)
Each consecutive Core Skill cast reduces the Resource cost of your next Core Skill by [5 – 10]%, up to a maximum of 30%.
[10 – 18] All Stats +[4 – 10]% Lucky Hit Chance +[9.5 – 16.5]% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies +[12.5 – 19.5]% Core Skill Damage
“Yours is the power to pluck the stars from the heavens with the ease of a child gathering fruit from the bough.” – Unknown
Sockets & Gems
There are various possible good/viable choices for the gem slots. I’ve shortlisted what works by slot. I’d recommend picking one of those:
Weps: Ruby. Emerald is also good, but Ruby is what this build needs more. Armor: Ruby or Saphire (dmg reduction apparently is very needed in high tier NM dungeons). Jewelry: Skull for Armor until they rework resistances. After the rework: Diamond unless you need specific resistance more than all.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
+5%/+5%/+5% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Skull (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N Life On Kill • Armor: +N% Healing Received • Jewelry: +N Armor
+13/+5%/+170 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
+7.5%/+39/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Hammer Time) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm:Aspect of Might OR Aspect of The Protector/Harlequin Crest (see notes below)
Amulet: Accelerating Aspect (see notes below)
Chest: Aspect of Might OR Aspect of The Protector
Pants: Aspect of Disobedience
Gloves: Aspect of Ancestral Force
Boots: Eluding Aspect
Ring 1: Aspect of Echoing Fury
Ring 2: Bold Chieftain’s Aspect
Main Hand Weapon: Rapid Aspect
Off-hand Weapon: Aspect of The Expectant (see notes below)
2-H Weapon (Bludgeoning): Earthstriker’s Aspect
2-H Weapon (Slashing): Aspect of Limitless Rage (see notes below)
NOTES: How to re-arrangeif using any of the Uniques:
- For Harlequin Crest (Helm): Aspect of Might OR Aspect of The Protectorgets removed from the Helm slot to make room for the Unique Helm.
ALTERNATIVE PICKS (if you decide to use them), my advice will be to sacrifice one of the offensive aspects (especially if already using the Unique Helm):
- For Melted Heart of Selig (Amulet): Aspect of The Expectantgets removed from the Off-hand weapon slot, then Accelerating Aspect goes into the, now empty, Off-hand slot to make room for the Unique Amulet.
- For Grandfather (Greatsword): Aspect of The Expectant gets removed from the Off-hand weapon slot, then Accelerating Aspect goes into the, now empty, Off-hand slot to make room for Aspect of Limitless Rage to go into the Amulet Slot, which makes room for the Unique Greatsword.
- For any 1 of theUnique Rings: You will need to sacrifice one of the Ring aspects and it may be hurting the build to loose any of those two. Up to you to decide which on is okay to sacrifice for that Unique ring but I'd recommend testing out how it will be without Aspect of Echoing Fury as the unique rings will, at least on paper, make up for the lost Fury generation.
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. One link is for what the boards will look like at lvl 93 with 190 paragon points (so more paragon points will be obtained on the way to 100). The other link is what the boards will look like when fully maxed out (I left the last 5 point unspent in case one want the Carnage legendary node) on paragon points.
190/223 ParagonPts. (~LVL 93 with renown & altar pts): Click THIS LINK
MAX LEVEL & (MAX – 5) Paragon points spent (218/223): Click THIS LINK
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (NOT in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted 41 different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority. NOTE: I’ve added a new “Top Priority per Slot” list but left the old unsorted list below it.
This is the Sorted by Slot list of Top Priority Affixes/Rolls:
Priority 1: Cooldown Reduction
Priority 2: Maximum Life, Maximum Fury
Priority 3: Core Stats (Str, Dex, Wil, All Stats)
Priority 4: Total Armor
Priority 1: Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed
Priority 2: Maximum Life, +X Ranks of All Brawling Skills or to a Passive you like, +X% Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Priority 3: +X% Damage, Damage Reduction from Close or Distant Enemies/While Injured,
Damage / Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Vulnerable Enemies
Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% chance to Restore +X% Primary Resource
Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% chance to Heal +X Life
Damage while Healthy
Fortify Generation
Damage while Fortified
Chance When Struck to Fortify for X Life
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Higher Priority
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Lucky Hit: Up to a +X% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Weapon Damage (not sure if there are any bonuses to that as rolls)
Lower Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV Post-Launch & RDY-4-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes theHammer TimeBarbarian Build for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
This is the first leveling guide for the videogame diablo 4 and the barbarian class. I really enjoyed playing the good old spin to win build and the dps kind of felt ok. not op but ok 😀 Ive combined it with frenzy for single target dps and to get more attackspeed and damage reduction. You will be able to play On world tier 2 easy. In this guide the build has been tested an played with all aspects that re able to farm in dungeons and no i havent farmed any Lilith statues XD. So there are ways to improve for sure XD
IF you have questions or just want to hang out with us join our discord here https://discord.gg/Zm43XzSAhB
you gonna need 2 of them
2 handed mace expertise for additional Fury generation
the frenzy skill with attack speed and damage reduction
good old whirlwind spin to win skill 😛
dont forget these shouts XD put in more points if you want.
good old war cry is a must!
using Call of the Ancients really high dps, can switch to Berserker if you want for sure.
Your goal is to get so much Fury generation that you can keep up whirlwind for at least 4 seconds+ and then benefit from the Unbridled Rage note. Thats gonna be a huge dps boost but also need a ton of Fury.
will help with fury costs but need at least 5 keep that in mind. you will drop this ring once you finish the quests and Act 5.
this aspect will help a lot ot move into the Unbridled Rage note but its drop only.
Quake Stomp Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV [RDY-4-Launch]
(It’s HAMMER TIME!Do the Sanctuary Shake® with constant Stomps and Leaps that make the ground Quake.)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Launch in less a week and I’m bringing you my 25th Ready-For-Launch full Builds/Theorycrafts that should be good for both ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters as well as late endgame. I also plan to evolve them further when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Quake Stomp.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspects + unique gear + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added build calculator links (mostly needed for the paragons)
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have more in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees:
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Quake Stomp) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Bash – Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing 30% (X – ?) damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon. Requires bludgeoning weapon. Generate Fury: 10 Lucky Hit Chance: 50% | Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Bash – Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash grants you 5% Base Life as Fortify. Double this amount when using a Two-Handed weapon.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Combat Bash – After Critically Striking 4 times with Bash using a Two-Handed weapon, your next Core or Weapon Mastery Skill will Overpower.
(active) Hammer of the Ancients – Slam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing 50% X – ?) damage to a concentrated area. Requires a two-handed bludgeoning weapon. Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 40% | Damage: Physical ; Tags: Core,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients – Gain 3% (multiplicative) more Fury for 5 seconds for each enemy damaged by Hammer of the Ancients, stacking up to 10 times.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Hammer of the Ancients – Hammer of the Ancients deals 1% (multiplicative) additional damage for each point of Fury you had when using it.
(passive) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10%/20%/30% to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Ground Stomp – Smash the ground, dealing 10% (X – ?) damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 16 seconds | Damage: Physical ; Tags: Defensive,
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Ground Stomp – Ground Stomp generates 25 Fury.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Rallying Cry – Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by 50% (multiplicative) for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds | Tags: Defensive, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry generates 25 Fury and grants you an additional 50% (multiplicative) Resource Generation.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Leap – Leap forward and then slam down, dealing 33% (X – ?) damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact. Cooldown: 17 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 33% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Brawling,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Leap – If Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Power Leap – If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.
(passive) Booming Voice – Shout Skill effect durations are increased by 10%/20%/30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade) Raid Leader – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Guttural Yell – did NOT take this one
(passive – ONLY put 1 point here) Aggressive Resistance – Gain 4%/8%/12% Damage Reduction while Berserking.
(upgrade) Battle Fervor – When a Brawling Skill damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for 1/2/3 second(s).
(upgrade) Prolific Fury – While Berserking, Fury Generation is increased by 6%/12%/18% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 ) Not taking an active Weapon Mastery skill
(1st upgrade)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2)
(passive) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) No Mercy – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 8%/15%/23% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(upgrade) Expose Vulnerability – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Wrath of the Berserker – Gain Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 25 seconds Cooldown: 60 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 40% Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Supreme Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by 30% (multiplicative)
(2nd upgrade) Prime Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury spend increases Berserk’s damage bonus by 25% (multiplicative)
(passive) Wallop – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Concussion – did NOT take this one
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.seconds.
(upgrade) Brute Force – Your Overpower deals 15%/30%/45% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: Unlocking this skill upgrade requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) Tempered Fury – Increase your Maximum Fury by 3/6/9.
(upgrade) Furious Impulse– did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Invigorating Fury – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Unbridled Rage – Core Skills deal 135% (multiplicative) increased damage, but cost 100% (multiplicative) more Fury.
Class Mechanic:
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will apparently not count as either.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
Unique Gear:
In Diablo IV apparently (I have multiple sources that confirmed this) we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Unique inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top pick will be the following one but check the notes under the Aspects List for some additional picks:
The Grandfather (Two-Handed Sword)
+[17.5%] Critical Strike Damage
Increases your Critical Strike Damage by x[60 – 100]%. The other properties on this weapon can roll higher than normal.
+[14 – 28]% Damage [0.245 – 0.455] Maximum Life [20 – 36] All Stats Ignores Durability Loss
An unbroken lineage of unwavering strength.
Sockets & Gems:
There are various possible good/viable choices for the gem slots. I’ve shortlisted what works by slot. I’d recommend picking one of those:
Weps: Emerald, Saphire, Ruby, or Skull. Armor: Ruby, Emerald,Saphire, or Skull. Jewelry: Diamond unless you need specific resistance more than all.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
+5%/+5%/5% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Skull (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N Life On Kill • Armor: +N% Healing Received • Jewelry: +N Armor
+13/+5%/+170 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
+7.5%/39/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
Legendary Aspects / Powers:
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Quake Stomp) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Steadfast Berserker’s Aspect / Harlequin Crest (see notes below)
Amulet: Relentless Berserker’s Apect / Melted Heart of Selig (see notes below)
Chest: Aspect of Numbing Wrath / Exploiter’s Aspect (see notes below)
Pants: Aspect of Bul-Kathos
Gloves: Exploiter’s Aspect / Aspect of Veteran Brawler (see notes below)
Boots: Aspect of Perpetual Stomping
Ring 1: Aspect of Giant Strides
Ring 2: Aspect of Berserk Fury / Mother’s Embrace (see notes below)
1H Weapon: Earthquake Aspect
Off-hand: Aspect of Limitless Rage / Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus (see notes below)
2-H Weapon 1: Aspect of Ancestral Force
2-H Weapon 2: Aspect of Veteran Brawler / The Grandfather (see notes below)
NOTE1: Aspect of Veteran Brawler goes in the 2h Weapon 2 slot ONLY until you get The Grandfather Unique Two-Handed Sword. After that: Aspect of Numbing Wrath gets removed from the Chest slot & discarded. Exploiter's Aspect gets moved from the Gloves slot to the, now empty, Chest slot. Aspect of Veteran Brawler goes in the, now empty, Gloves slot to make room for the Unique Two-Handed Sword.
There are four other alternative picks for Uniques you could use if you get those: Melted Heart of Selig (Amulet), Harlequin Crest (Helm), Mother's Embrace (Ring) & Ramaladni's Magnum Opus (Sword)
See the 2nd note below:
NOTE2: How to re-arrange if using any of the alternative Uniques:
- For Melted Heart of Selig (Amulet): Relentless Berserker's Apect gets removed from the Amulet slot to make room for the Unique Amulet.
- For Harlequin Crest (Helm): Steadfast Berserker’s Aspect gets removed from the Helm slot to make room for the Unique Helm.
- For Mother's Embrace (Ring): Aspect of Berserk Fury gets removed from the Ring slot to make room for the Unique Ring.
- For Ramaladni's Magnum Opus (Sword): Aspect of Limitless Rage gets removed from the Off-hand slot & to make room for the Unique Sword.
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. One link is for what the boards will look like at lvl 83 without any paragon points from renown (so more paragon points will be obtained on the way to 100 as well as from renown. The other link will be what the boards will look like when fully maxed out on paragon points.
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (NOT in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted 41 different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority
Bonus to All Damage
Critical Strike Chance/Critical Damage Bonus
Critical Chance / Critical Damage with Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Skills
Critical Chance/Critical Damage with Core/Brawling/Basic/Defensive Skills
Damage with Core/Brawling/Basic/Defensive Skills
Lucky Hit Chance
+ X Ranks to Core/Brawling/Ultimate/Basic/Defensive/Shout Skills
+ X Ranks to Hammer of the Ancients/Leap/Ground Stomp/Rallying Cry/Bash
Lucky Hit Chance withPhysical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage
Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage Bonus
+ % Critical Chance / Critical Damage with Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage
Resistance to All Elements
Overpower Damage
+ % Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage to Elites
+ % Critical Strike Chance with Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage Against Elites
+ % Damage for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction from Elites
Damage to Close Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Close Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Vulnerable Enemies
Vulnerable Damage
Damage while Healthy
Fortify Generation
Damage while Fortified
Chance When Struck to Fortify for X Life
Overpower Chance
Overpower Damage with Hammer of the Ancients/Leap/Ground Stomp/Bash
Overpower Damage with Core/Brawling/Basic Skills
Overpower Damage with Slashing/2-handed/Sword/Bludgeoning/etc. Weapon
Higher Priority
+ All Stats
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Weapon Damage (not sure if there are any bonuses to that as rolls)
Fury Generation / Regeneration/ On Kill
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
Lower Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV RDY-4-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the Quake StompBarbarianBuild for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
Juggler 2.0 Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV [RDY-4-Launch]
(keep Juggling those weapons & never let them know your next move)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Launch is getting closer and it’s time to make some Ready-For-Launch full Builds/Theorycrafts that should be good for both ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters as well as late endgame. I also plan to evolve them further when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Juggler2.0.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect + unique item + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added build calculator links (mostly needed for the paragons)
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have more in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Juggler 2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Flay – Flay the enemy, dealing 5% (X – ?) damage and inflicting 36% (X) Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Requires a slashing weapon. Generate Fury: 9 Lucky Hit Chance: 50% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Flay – Flay has a 10% chance to make the enemy Vulnerable for 2 seconds. Double this chance when using a Two-Handed weapon.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Combat Flay – When Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and X Thorns for 3 seconds. This stacks up to 4 times.
(active) Rend – Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing 12% (X – ?) damage and inflicting 96% (X) Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Requires a slashing weapon. Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 33% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Core,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rend – Dealing direct damage with Rend extends the duration of Vulnerable on enemies by 2 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Rend – Direct damage with Rend grants 4 Fury per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 Fury.
(passive) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10%/20%/30% to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Ground Stomp – Smash the ground, dealing 10% (X – ?) damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 16 seconds Damage: Physical ; Tags: Defensive,
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Strategic Ground Stomp Reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate skill by 1 second for each enemy damaged by Ground Stomp..
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Challenging Shout – Taunt nearby enemies and gain (40/45/50/55/60) Damage Reduction for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds Tags: Defensive, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Challenging Shout – While Challenging Shout is active, gain 20% (multiplicative) bonus Maximum Life.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Strategic Challenging – Shout While Challenging Shout is active, gain Thorns equal to +50% of your Maximum Life.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) Outburst – Gain 2/4/6 Thorns. Also gain 2 Thorns for each 2 bonus Maximum Life you have.
(upgrade) Tough as Nails – Increase your Thorns by +20%/+40%/+60%. When enemies hit you, they take an additional 1% of your Thorns as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 ) Not taking an active Brawling skill
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Leap – If Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2)
(passive) Booming Voice – Shout Skill effect durations are increased by 10%/20%/30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade) Raid Leader – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Guttural Yell – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Steel Grasp – Throw out a trio of chains that deal 23% (X – ?) damage and Pull In enemies. Charges: 2 Charge Cooldown: 11 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Weapon Mastery,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Steel Grasp – Steel Grasp also makes enemies Vulnerable for 2.5 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Fighter’s Steel Grasp – If Steel Grasp damages an enemy, gain Berserking for 2 seconds.
(passive) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) No Mercy – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 8%/15%/23% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(upgrade) Expose Vulnerability – did NOT take this one
(passive) Thick Skin – Each time you take direct damage gain 0.4%/0.7%/1.1% Base Life as Fortify.
(upgrade) Counteroffensive – While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased damage.
(upgrade) Defensive Stance – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Iron Maelstrom – First your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon slams into the ground, dealing 60% (X – ?) damage and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds. Second your Two-Handed Slashing weapon swipes in front of you, dealing 20% (X – ?) damage and inflicting 120% (X) Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Third your Dual Wield weapons swing around you, dealing 33% (X – ?) damage per hit. Requires a Full Arsenal of weapons. Cooldown: 60 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 40% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Prime Iron Maelstrom – Iron Maelstrom gains +10% increased Critical Strike Chance and deals 20% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Supreme Iron Maelstrom – Dealing direct damage to an enemy after swapping weapons reduces Iron Maelstrom’s Cooldown by 1 second.
(passive) Wallop – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Concussion – did NOT take this one
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.seconds.
(upgrade – ONLY put 2 points here) Brute Force Your Overpower deals 15%/30%/45% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: Unlocking this skill upgrade/passive requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Walking Arsenal – Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants 10% (multiplicative) increased damage for 6 seconds. While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional 15% (multiplicative) increased damage.
Class Mechanic:
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will apparently not count as either.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
Unique Item
In Diablo IV apparently (I have multiple sources that confirmed this) we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Unique inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top pick will be the following one but check the notes under the Aspects List for some additional picks:
100,000 Steps (Boots)
Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown by [X] Seconds; After gaining the final damage bonus from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive, you automatically cast Ground Stomp and gain [32 – 50] Fury. This cannot happen more than once every 30 seconds.
[28 – 42] Dexterity +[14 – 28]% Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Stunned Enemies +[2 – 4] Ranks of Ground Stomp
“While many Barbarians remained in the Dreadlands, small groups from the Oxen, Crane and Bear tribes instead chose to search the land for a new home.” – A History of the Children of Bul-Kathos
Sockets & Gems
There are various possible good/viable choices for the gem slots. I’ve shortlisted what works by slot. I’d recommend picking one of those:
Weps: Emerald, Saphire, Ruby, Amethyst, or Skull. Armor: Ruby, Emerald,Saphire, or Skull. Jewelry: Diamond unless you need specific resistance more than all.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
+5%/+5%/5 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Skull (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N Life On Kill • Armor: +N% Healing Received • Jewelry: +N Armor
+13/+5%/+170 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
+7.5%/39/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Amethyst (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Damage Over Time • Armor: N% Damage Taken Over Time Reduction • Jewelry: N% Shadow Resistance
+5%/+8.2%/+14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Juggler 2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Aspect of Anemia / Harlequin Crest (see notes below)
Amulet: Earthquake Aspect / Exploiter’s Aspect
Chest: Weapon Master’s Aspect / Rage of Harrogath (see notes below)
Pants: Aspect of Tempering Blows
Gloves: Windstriker Aspect / Weapon Master’s Aspect (see notes below)
Boots: Exploiter’s Aspect / 100,000 Steps (see notes below)
Ring 1: Slaking Aspect
Ring 2: Death Wish Aspect
1H Weapon: Aspect of The Prickling OR Needleflare Aspect (IF Aspect of Prickling doesn’t exist anymore)
Off-hand: Earthstriker’s Aspect / Accelerating Aspect (see notes below)
NOTE1: Earthquake Aspect goes in the Amulet slot ONLY until you get the 100,000 Steps Unique Boots. After that discard it & put Exploiter's Aspect in the Amulet slot to make room for the Unique Boots.
There are three other alternative picks for Uniques you could use if you get those first: Rage of Harrogath (Chest Armor) & Harlequin Crest (Helm) & Ancients' Oath (Two-Handed Axe). See the 2nd note below:
NOTE2: How to re-arrange if using any of the alternative Uniques:
- For Rage of Harrogath (Chest Armor): Windstriker Aspect gets removed from the Gloves slot and Weapon Master’s Aspect replaces it to make room for the Unique Chest Armor.
- For Harlequin Crest (Helm): Aspect of Anemia gets removed from the Helm slot to make room for the Unique Helm.
- For Ancients' Oath (2-Handed Axe): Earthstriker’s Aspect gets removed from the 2H Weapon 2 slot & discarded. Accelerating Aspect goes in the now empty 1H Weapon (main-hand) slot to make room for the Unique 2-Handed Axe.
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. One link is for what the boards will look like at lvl 87 without any paragon points from renown (so more paragon points will be obtained on the way to 100 as well as from renown. The other link will be what the boards will look like when fully maxed out on paragon points.
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (NOT in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted 41 different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority
Bonus to All Damage
Critical Strike Chance/Critical Damage Bonus
Critical Chance / Critical Damage with Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Skills
Critical Chance/Critical Damage with Core/Ultimate/Basic/Weapon Mastery Skills
Damage with Core/Ultimate/Basic/Weapon Mastery Skills
Lucky Hit Chance
+ X Ranks to Core/Ultimate/Basic/Weapon Mastery/Defensive Skills
+ X Ranks to Rend/Flay/Steel Grasp/Ground Stomp/Challenging Shout
Lucky Hit Chance withPhysical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage
Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage Bonus
+ % Critical Chance / Critical Damage with Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage
Resistance to All Elements
Overpower Damage
+ % Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage to Elites
+ % Critical Strike Chance with Physical/Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage Against Elites
+ % Damage for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction from Elites
Damage to Close Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Close Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Vulnerable Enemies
Vulnerable Damage
Damage while Healthy
Fortify Generation
Damage while Fortified
Chance When Struck to Fortify for X Life
Overpower Chance
Overpower Damage with Rend/Flay/Steel Grasp
Overpower Damage with Core/Ultimate/Basic/Weapon Mastery Skills
Overpower Damage with Slashing/2-handed/Axes/Bludgeoning/etc. Weapon
Higher Priority
+ All Stats
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Weapon Damage (not sure if there are any bonuses to that as rolls)
Fury Generation / Regeneration/ On Kill
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
Lower Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV RDY-4-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the Juggler 2.0BarbarianBuild for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
Bladestorm 2.0 Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV [RDY-4-Launch]
(SPIN your way to Victory while being a speedy & angry Bladestorm with this spin2win setup)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Launch is getting closer and it’s time to make some Ready-For-Launch full Builds/Theorycrafts that should be good for both ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters as well as late endgame. I also plan to evolve them further when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Bladestorm2.0.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect + unique item + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added build calculator links (mostly needed for the paragons)
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have more in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Bladestorm2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Frenzy – Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing 20% (X – ?) damage with each pair of hits. If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to +60%. Requires dual-wielding weapons. Generate Fury: 4 Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Frenzy – While Frenzy is granting +60% bonus Attack Speed, it also generates 2 additional Fury.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Battle Frenzy – While Berserking, your other Skills gain +5% Attack Speed for each stack of Frenzy you have.
(active) Whirlwind – Rapidly attack surrounding enemies for 12% (X – ?) damage. Fury Cost: 20 per seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Damage: Physical
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Whirlwind – Gain 1 Fury each time Whirlwind deals direct damage to an enemy, or 6 Fury if the enemy is Stunned.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Violent Whirlwind – After using Whirlwind for 2 seconds, Whirlwind deals 30% (multiplicative) increased damage until it is cancelled.
(passive) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10%/20%/30% to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Rallying Cry – Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by 50% (multiplicative) for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds Tags: Defensive, Shout6 seconds Damage: Physical ; Tags: Defensive,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Rallying Cry – Rallying Cry generates 25 Fury and grants you an additional 50% (multiplicatrive) Resource Generation.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Leap – Leap forward and then slam down, dealing 33% (X – ?) damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact. Cooldown: 17 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 33% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Brawling,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Leap – If Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Power Leap – If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.
(passive) Booming Voice – Shout Skill effect durations are increased by 10%/20%/30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade – did NOT put points here) Raid Leader
(upgrade – ONLY put 1 point here) Guttural Yell – Your Shout Skills cause enemies to deal 8%/16%/24% (multiplicative) less damage for 5 seconds.
(passive) Aggressive Resistance – Gain 4%/8%/12% Damage Reduction while Berserking.
(upgrade – ONLY put 1 point here) Battle Fervor – When a Brawling Skill damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for 1/2/3 second(s).
(upgrade) Prolific Fury – While Berserking, Fury Generation is increased by 6%/12%/18% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Steel Grasp – Throw out a trio of chains that deal 23% (X – ?) damage and Pull In enemies. Charges: 2 Charge Cooldown: 11 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Weapon Mastery,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Steel Grasp – Steel Grasp also makes enemies Vulnerable for 2.5 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Warrior’s Steel Grasp – Steel Grasp gains 1 additional Charge.
(passive – ONLY put 1 point here) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) No Mercy – You have +3%/+6%/+9% increased Critical Strike Chance against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.
(upgrade) Slaying Strike– did NOT take this one
(upgrade – ONLY put 2 points here) Expose Vulnerability – Dealing direct damage with a Weapon Mastery Skill causes your next Core Skill to make enemies Vulnerable for 1/2/3 second(s).
(passive) Thick Skin – Each time you take direct damage gain 0.4%/0.7%/1.1% Base Life as Fortify.
(upgrade) Counteroffensive – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Defensive Stance – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick any other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Wrath of the Berserker – Gain Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 25 seconds Cooldown: 60 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 40% Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Supreme Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by 30% (multiplicative)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Prime Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury spend increases Berserk’s damage bonus by 25% (multiplicative)
(passive) Wallop – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Concussion – did NOT take this one
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.seconds.
(upgrade) Brute Force – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Unbridled Rage – Core Skills deal 135% (multiplicative) increased damage, but cost 100% (multiplicative) more Fury.
Class Mechanic:
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will apparently not count as either.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
Unique Item
In Diablo IV apparently (I have multiple sources that confirmed this) we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Unique inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top pick will be the following one but check the notes under the Aspects list for some additional picks:
Gohr’s Devastating Grips (Gloves)
Whirlwind explodes after it ends, dealing [50 – 70]% of the total Base damage dealt to surrounding enemies as Fire damage.
+[4 – 10]% Attack Speed +[7 – 14]% Lucky Hit Chance [12 – 20] Fury On Kill +[2 – 4] Ranks of Whirlwind
“The brutish construction of these gloves belies the strength they bestow. Gohr was clearly no craftsman, but it would be foolish to ignore the triumph of his work.” – Barrett’s Book of Implements
Sockets & Gems
There are various possible good/viable choices for the gem slots. I’ve shortlisted what works by slot. I’d recommend picking one of those:
Weps: Emerald, Saphire, Skull, Ruby, or Topaz. Armor: Skull, Saphire, or Ruby. Jewelry: Diamond unless you need specific resistance more than all.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
+5%/+5%/5 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Skull (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N Life On Kill • Armor: +N% Healing Received • Jewelry: +N Armor
+13/+5%/+170 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
+7.5%/39/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Topaz (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Basic Skill Damage • Armor: N% Damage Reduction While Control Impaired • Jewelry: N% Lightning Resistance
+16.7%/8.2%/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Bladestorm2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind Aspect
Amulet: Exploiter’s Aspect
Chest: Weapon Master’s Aspect
Pants: Steadfast Berserker’s Aspect
Gloves: Dust Devil’s Aspect Until The Unique goes here(see notes below)
Boots: Relentless Berserker’s Apect
Ring 1: Aspect of Giant Strides
Ring 2: Aspect of Berserk Fury
1H Weapon: Rapid Aspect
Off-hand: Aspect of The Expectant
2-H Weapon 1: Aspect of The Dire Whirlwind
2-H Weapon 2: Accelerating Aspect
NOTE1: Dust Devil’s Aspect goes in the Gloves slot ONLY until you get the Gohr's Devastating Grips Unique Gloves. After that discard it from the build.
There are three other alternative picks for Uniques you could use if you get those first: Battle Trance (Chest Armor) & Harlequin Crest (Helm) & Ancients' Oath (Two-Handed Axe). See the 2nd note below:
NOTE2: How to re-arrange if using any of the alternative Uniques:
- For Battle Trance (Amulet): Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind gets removed from the Helm and Exploiter’s Aspect replaces it to make room for the Unique Amulet.
- For Harlequin Crest (Helm): Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind gets removed from the Helm slot to make room for the Unique Helm.
- For Ancients' Oath (2-Handed Axe): Aspect of Berserk Fury gets removed from the Ring 2 slot & discarded. Accelerating Aspect goes in the now empty Ring 2 slot to make room for the Unique 2-Handed Axe.
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. One link is for what the boards will look like at lvl 89 without any paragon points from renown (so more paragon points will be obtained on the way to 100 as well as from renown. The other link will be what the boards will look like when fully maxed out on paragon points.
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (NOT in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted 41 different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority
Bonus to All Damage
Critical Strike Chance/Critical Damage Bonus
Critical Chance / Critical Damage with Physical/Fire/Slashing Skills
Critical Chance/Critical Damage with Core/Basic/Brawling Skills
Damage with Core/Basic/Brawling Skills
Lucky Hit Chance
+ X Ranks to Core/Basic/Brawling/Defensive Skills
+ X Ranks to Whirlwind/Frenzy/Leap/Steel Grasp/Rallying Cry
Lucky Hit Chance with Physical/Fire/Slashing Damage
Physical/Fire/Slashing Damage Bonus
+ % Critical Chance / Critical Damage with Physical/Fire/Slashing Damage
Resistance to All Elements
Overpower Damage
+ % Physical/Fire/Slashing Damage to Elites
+ % Critical Strike Chance with Physical/Fire/Slashing Damage Against Elites
+ % Damage for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction from Elites
Damage to Close Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Close Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Critical Chance / Critical Damage Against Vulnerable Enemies
Vulnerable Damage
Damage while Healthy
Fortify Generation
Damage while Fortified
Chance When Struck to Fortify for X Life
Overpower Chance
Overpower Damage with Whirlwind/Frenzy/Leap
Overpower Damage with Core/Basic/Brawling Skills
Overpower Damage with Slashing/2-handed/Swords/etc. Weapon
Higher Priority
+ All Stats
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Weapon Damage (not sure if there are any bonuses to that as rolls)
Fury Generation / Regeneration/ On Kill
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
Lower Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV RDY-4-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the Bladestorm 2.0BarbarianBuild for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
Butcher 2.0 Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV [RDY-4-Launch]
(Leap & Stomp on your foes, Bleed them dry & Rupture the Gushing Wounds)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Launch is getting closer and it’s time to make some Ready-For-Launch full Builds/Theorycrafts that should be good for both ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters as well as late endgame. I also plan to evolve them further when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Butcher 2.0.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect + unique item + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added build calculator links (mostly needed for the paragons)
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have more in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Butcher 2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Lunging Strike – Lunge forward and strike an enemy for 30% (X – ?) damage. Generate Fury: 9 Lucky Hit Chance: 50% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Lunging Strike – Lunging Strike deals 30% (multiplicative) increased damage and Heals you for 2% Maximum Life when it damages a Healthy enemy.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Battle Lunging Strike – Lunging Strike also inflicts 20% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
(active) Rend – Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing 12% (X – ?) damage and inflicting 96% (X) Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Requires a slashing weapon. Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 33% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Core,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rend – Dealing direct damage with Rend extends the duration of Vulnerable on enemies by 2 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Rend – Direct damage with Rend grants 4 Fury per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 Fury.
(passive) did not pick any Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Ground Stomp – Smash the ground, dealing 10% (X – ?) damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 16 seconds Damage: Physical ; Tags: Defensive,
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Ground Stomp – Ground Stomp generates 25 Fury.
(passive – ONLY put 1 point here) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 )
(active – ONLY put 1 point here) Leap – Leap forward and then slam down, dealing 33% (X – ?) damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact. Cooldown: 17 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 33% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Brawling,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Leap – If Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Power Leap – If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.
(passive) did not pick any Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 )
(active) Rupture – Skewer enemies in front of you, dealing 13% (X – ?) damage, then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount removing all Bleeding damage from them. Requires a slashing weapon. Cooldown: 10 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 50% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Weapon Mastery,
(1st upgrade)Enhanced Rupture – Ripping your weapon out of enemies during Rupture causes an explosion that deals 30% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Fighter’s Rupture – Hitting at least 1 enemy with Rupture Heals you for 15% of your Maximum Life.
(passive – ONLY put 2 points here) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) No Mercy – You have +3%/+6%/+9% increased Critical Strike Chance against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.
(upgrade) Slaying Strike– did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Expose Vulnerability – Dealing direct damage with a Weapon Mastery Skill causes your next Core Skill to make enemies Vulnerable for 1/2/3 second(s).
(passive) Thick Skin – Each time you take direct damage gain 0.4%/0.7%/1.1% Base Life as Fortify.
(upgrade) Counteroffensive – While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased damage.
(upgrade) Defensive Stance – did NOT take this one
(passive – ONLY put 1 point here) Hamstring – Your Bleeding effects Slow enemies by 10%/20%/30%.
(upgrade) Cut to the Bone – Your Bleeding effects deal 6%/12%/18% (multiplicative) increased damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
(passive) did not pick other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Wrath of the Berserker – Gain Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 25 seconds Cooldown: 60 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 40% Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Supreme Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by 30% (multiplicative)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Prime Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury spend increases Berserk’s damage bonus by 25% (multiplicative)
(passive) Wallop – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Concussion – did NOT take this one
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.seconds.
(upgrade) Brute Force – Your Overpower deals 15%/30%/45% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: Unlocking this skill upgrade requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Gushing Wounds – When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 100% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus. Overpowering a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 11% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Class Mechanic:
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will apparently not count as either.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
Unique Item
In Diablo IV apparently (I have multiple sources that confirmed this) we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Unique inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top pick will be the following one but check the notes under the Aspects list for some additional picks:
Fields of Crimson (Two-Handed Sword)
+[17.5%] Critical Strike Damage While using this weapon, damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a blood pool that inflicts N Bleeding damage over 6 seconds. Enemies standing in the pool take x[0.18 – 0.34]% increased Bleeding damage.
+[7 – 14]% Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons +[7 – 14]% Damage Over Time CDR_Rupture (Struck’s note: I’m 100% sure this is cooldown reduction for Rupture) +[2 – 4] Ranks of Rupture
“We’ve been fighting these flesh-eaters for so long, been soaked in so much blood, that after a while it’s difficult to tell what side you’re truly on.” – Daelyr, Crane Tribe warrior
Sockets & Gems
There are various possible good/viable choices for the gem slots. I’ve shortlisted what works by slot. I’d recommend picking one of those:
Weps: Saphire, Skull, Ruby, Amethyst, or Emerald. Armor: Skull, Saphire, or Ruby. Jewelry: Diamond unless you need specific resistance more than all.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
+5%/+5%/5 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Skull (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N Life On Kill • Armor: +N% Healing Received • Jewelry: +N Armor
+13/+5%/+170 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
+7.5%/39/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Amethyst (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Damage Over Time • Armor: N% Damage Taken Over Time Reduction • Jewelry: N% Shadow Resistance
+5%/+8.2%/+14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Butcher 2.0) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Exploiter’s Aspect
Amulet: Aspect of Veteran Brawler
Chest: Weapon Master’s Aspect
Pants: Iron Blood Aspect
Gloves: Aspect of Anemia
Boots: Aspect of Perpetual Stomping
Ring 1: Aspect of Quickening Pulse
Ring 2: Slaking Aspect
1H Weapon: Aspect of Berserk Ripping
Off-hand: Skullbreaker’s Aspect
2-H Weapon 1: Aspect of Encroaching Wrath
2-H Weapon 2 (see NOTE below): *Smiting Aspect Until The Unique goes here
NOTE1: Smiting Aspect goes in the second 2-Handed slot ONLY until you get the Fields of Crimson Unique Two-Handed Sword.
There are two other alternative picks for Uniques you could use if you get those first: Rage of Harrogath (Chest Armor) & Harlequin Crest (Helm). See the 2nd note below:
NOTE2: How to re-arrange if using any of the alternative Uniques:
- For Rage of Harrogath (Chest Armor): Smiting Aspect gets removed from the 2nd 2-handed slot & Aspect of Veteran Brawler replaces it. Exploiter’s Aspect goes in the now empty Amulet slot, emptying the Helm slot. Weapon Master’s Aspect goes in the now empty Helm slot to make room for the Unique Chest.
- For Harlequin Crest (Helm): Smiting Aspect gets removed from the 2nd 2-handed slot & Aspect of Veteran Brawler replaces it. Exploiter’s Aspect goes in the now empty Amulet slot & makes room for the UniqueHelm.
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. One link is for what the boards will look like at lvl 93 without any paragon points from renown (so more paragon points will be obtained on the way to 100 as well as from renown. The other link will be what the boards will look like when fully maxed out on paragon points.
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (NOT in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted 43 different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority
Bonus to All Damage
Critical Strike Chance/Critical Damage Bonus
Critical Chance / Critical Damage with DoT/Physical/Bleeding Skills
Critical Chance/Critical Damage with Core/Weapon Mastery/Brawling Skills
Damage with Core/Weapon Mastery/Brawling Skills
Lucky Hit Chance
+ X Ranks to Core/Weapon Mastery/Brawling Skills
Lucky Hit Chance with DoT/Physical/Bleeding Damage
DoT/Physical/Bleeding Damage Bonus
+ % Critical Chance / Critical Damage with DoT/Physical/Bleeding Damage
Resistance to All Elements
Overpower Damage
+ % DoT/Physical/Bleeding Damage to Elites
+ % Critical Strike Chance with DoT/Physical/Bleeding Damage Against Elites
+ % Damage for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction from Elites
Damage to Close Enemies
Critical Strike Chance Against Close Enemies
Critical Strike Damage to Close Enemies
Critical Strike Chance Against Crowd Controlled Enemies
Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Critical Strike Chance Against Vulnerable Enemies
Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies
Vulnerable Damage
Damage while Healthy
Fortify Generation
Damage while Fortified
Chance When Struck to Fortify for X Life
Overpower Chance
Overpower Damage with Rupture/Rend/Leap
Overpower Damage with Core/Weapon Mastery/Brawling Skills
Overpower Damage with Slashing/2-handed/Swords/etc. Weapon
Higher Priority
+ All Stats
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Weapon Damage (not sure if there are any bonuses to that as rolls)
Fury Generation / Regeneration/ On Kill
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
Lower Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV RDY-4-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the Butcher 2.0BarbarianBuild for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
Overkiller Barbarian BUILD for Diablo IV [RDY-4-Launch]
(get MAD, Charge headfirst into combat & Overpower your foes before dealing a final Death Blow)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Launch is getting closer and it’s time to make some Ready-For-Launch full Builds/Theorycrafts that should be good for both ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters as well as late endgame. I’ also plan to evolve them further when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Overkiller.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect + unique item + gems & sockets + suggested stat rolls + paragon boards that work well with the build which you can use to tinker. Alternatively, I’ve added build calculator links (mostly needed for the paragons)
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have more in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken + alternative skill options, you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Overkiller) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
(active) Lunging Strike – Lunge forward and strike an enemy for 30% (X – ?) damage. Generate Fury: 9 Lucky Hit Chance: 50% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Basic,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Lunging Strike – Lunging Strike deals 30% (multiplicative) increased damage and Heals you for 2% Maximum Life when it damages a Healthy enemy.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Combat Lunging Strike – Critical Strikes with Lunging Strike grant you Berserking for 1.5 seconds
(active) Upheaval – Tear into the ground with your weapon and fling debris forward, dealing 70% (X – ?) damage. Requires a two-handed weapon Fury Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Core,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Upheaval – Upheaval has an 20% chance to Stun all enemies it damages for 2.5 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Upheaval – Dealing direct damage to an enemy with a Skill that is not Upheaval causes your next cast of Upheaval to deal 8% (multiplicative) increased damage, stacking up to 10 times.
(passive) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10%/20%/30% to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Core passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active) I did NOT take any Active Defensive Skillsdue to lack of enough skillbar slots
(1st upgrade)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2)
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, is increased by 4%/8%/12% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick other Defensive passives to save points
Brawling Skills (Required Points: 11 )
(active 1 rank/level only) War Cry – Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by 15% (multiplicative) for 8 seconds, and Nearby allies for 4 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds Tags: Brawling, Shout
(1st upgrade) Enhanced War Cry – War Cry grants you Berserking for 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Mighty War Cry – War Cry grants grants you 28% Base Life as Fortify.
(active 1 rank/level only) Charge – Become Unstoppable and rush forward pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for 25% (X – ?) damage and Knocking them Back. Cooldown: 17 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 33% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Brawling,
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Charge – Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain by Charge take 15% (X – ?) damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Mighty Charge – Damaging enemies with Charge makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive)Booming Voice – Shout Skill effect durations are increased by 10%/20%/30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade) Guttural Yell – Your Shout Skills cause enemies to deal 8%/16%/24% (multiplicative) less damage for 5 seconds.
(upgrade) Raid Leader – did NOT take this one
(passive 1 point/rank only)Aggressive Resistance – Gain 4%/8%/12% Damage Reduction while Berserking.
(upgrade) Battle Fervor – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Prolific Fury – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick other Brawling passives to save points
Weapon Mastery Skills (Required Points: 16 )
(active)Death Blow – Attempt a killing strike, dealing 120% (X – ?) to enemies in front of you. If this kills an enemy, the Cooldown is reset. Cooldown: 15 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 50% Damage: Physical ; Tags: Weapon Mastery,
(1st upgrade)Enhanced Death Blow – Death Blow deals 100% (multiplicative) increased damage to bosses.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Fighter’s Death Blow – If Death Blow damages at least 1 enemy, gain 20 Fury.
(passive) Pit Fighter – You deal 3%/6%/9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2%/4%/6% Distant Damage Reduction.
(upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 8%/15%/23% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(upgrade) No Mercy – did NOT take this one
(upgrade) Expose Vulnerability – did NOT take this one
(passive) did not pick other Weapon Mastery passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Wrath of the Berserker – Gain Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 25 seconds Cooldown: 60 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 40% Tags: Ultimate,
(1st upgrade) Supreme Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by 30% (multiplicative)
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Prime Wrath of the Berserker – While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury spend increases Berserk’s damage bonus by 25% (multiplicative)
(passive) Wallop – Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased damage if the enemy is Stunned orVulnerable.
(upgrade) Concussion – Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a 10%/20%/30% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds, or up to a 15%/30%/45% chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.
(upgrade) Brute Force – did NOT take this one
(passive ) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5%/10%/15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.seconds.
(passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Unconstrained – Increase Berserk’s maximum duration by 5 seconds and increase its damage bonus by +25%.
Class Mechanic:
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’, even any aspects slotted on them. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons on Barbarians can be either Slashing or Bludgeoning such as: Swords, Axes, or Maces. The game seems to clump all 1-Handed weapons together under the “Dual-Wielding” as far as Barbarians and their skill tags are concerned so regardless of Slashing or Bludgeoning type, a 1-Handed weapon will apparently not count as either.
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual-Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you go for a swap-centric build
Unique Item
In Diablo IV apparently (I have multiple sources that confirmed this) we can equip more than one unique item at the same time (not so ‘unique’ if we can get decked out in full uniques I guess). It seems that the one unique per build idea that Unique inherited from the Mythical gear they supposedly replaced was scrapped even before the closed beta tests. My top pick will be the following one but check the notes under the Aspects list for some additional picks:
Overkill (Two-Handed Mace)
+[31.5]% Overpower Damage
Death Blow creates a shockwave, dealing [16 – 30]% of its Base damage to enemies. Enemies who die to this effect also reset Death Blow’s Cooldown.
+[21 – 35]% Damage to Injured Enemies +[4.5 – 12]% Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies Elite_Kill_Damage (Struck’s note: I suspect this is X% dmg after killing an Elite for X seconds) +[2 – 4] Ranks of Death Blow
The malformed snake creatures that live in the swamps are not content with simply killing their prey. They seem to take a malicious pleasure from inflicting as much suffering as possible before death.
Sockets & Gems
Full Diamonds is a good fit for many builds, not so much for this one due to not much Barrier sources. I’ve shortlisted 5 total gems that work well with the build so pick based on your preference. I’d recommend either of those for Weps: Diamond, Skull, Saphire or Emerald. For Armor: Diamond, Skull, Saphire or Ruby. For Jewelry: Diamond unless you need specific resistance more than all.
XYZ Diamond (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N% Ultimate Skill Damage • Armor: +N% Barrier Generation • Jewelry: N% Resistance to All Elements
+5%/+5%/5 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
XYZ Skull (Requires Level XY)
• Weapon: +N Life On Kill • Armor: +N% Healing Received • Jewelry: +N Armor
+13/+5%/+170 for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
+7.5%/39/14.3% for chipped (the 2nd grade at lvl 20)
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my RDY-4-Launch Builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Overkiller) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Aspect of Might
Amulet: Exploiter’s Aspect
Chest: Weapon Master’s Aspect
Pants: Steadfast Berserker’s Aspect
Gloves: *Aspect of Inner Calm (see NOTE below)
Boots: Relentless Berserker’s Apect
Ring 1: Bold Chieftain’s Aspect (see notes for alternative choices)
Ring 2: Bear Clan Berserker’s Aspect (see notes for alternative choices)
1H Weapon: Aspect of Brawler’s Aspect
Off-hand: Edgemaster’s Aspect
2-H Weapon 1: Aspect of Encroaching Wrath
2-H Weapon 2 (see NOTE below): Aspect of Veteran Brawler
NOTE1: Aspect of Veteran Brawler should go into the 2nd 2-Hander slot until the Overkill Unique 2-handed mace drops. After that, move it to the Gloves slot and discard the aspect there (Aspect of Inner Calm).
NOTE2: The two Resource aspects I put for the Ring slots can me mix-and-matched with those two other resource aspects in any ways between the 4: Aspect of Echoing Fury & Aspect of Berserk Fury.
It's up to you which 2 of the 4 resource Aspects to take if you're not "feeling it" with the two I picked.
Paragon Boards:
Use the links below to check the paragon boards selected and the nodes I’ve taken. One link is for what the boards will look like at lvl 95 without any paragon points from renown (so more paragon points will be obtained on the way to 100 as well as from renown. The other link will be what the boards will look like when fully maxed out on paragon points.
Suggested Gear Rolls to look out for (NOT in order of priority):
I’ve shortlisted 37 different affixes that work well with the build of almost 300 total. I’ll highlight in Orange the ones I think should get higher priority
Bonus to All Damage
Critical Strike Damage Bonus
Critical Strike Chance
Crit Chance / Critical Strike Damage with Core Skills
+ % Critical Chance / Crit Damage with Physical Damage Against Elites
Damage Reduction for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
+ % Damage for X Seconds After Killing an Elite
Damage Reduction from Elites
Vulnerable Damage
Crit Chance / Critical Strike Damage to Close Enemies
Crit Chance / Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies
Crit Chance / Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage while Healthy
Damage to Vulnerable Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Vulnerable Enemies with Core / Weapon Mastery Skills
Crit Chance/ Critical Strike Damage with Weapon Mastery Skills
+ All Stats
Damage vs Injured Enemies
Damage vs Healthy Enemies
Weapon Damage (not sure if there are any bonuses to that as rolls)
Fury Generation / Regeneration/ On Kill
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
Low Priority
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV RDY-4-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the OverkillerBarbarianBuild for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
(keep Juggling those weapons to confuse your enemies & make it seem as if you have 6 hands)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Open Beta Tests are almost here and I felt motivated to make some Pre-Launch theorycrafted semi-builds that should be good for ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters when the game launches. I also plan to evolve them into FULL builds when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Juggler.
The Beta tests will only let us reach lvl 25 and only let us play in the first Act/Zone (Fractured Peaks) so those builds will be more useful for the actual game launch and ideally for characters around lvl 50+ or 60+. I’ve used 50+ and 60+ skill points when making the build instead of the full 100 so that they can be used to jumpstart a player’s post-story endgame grind.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect that work well with the build so one can spend the extra skill points on the way to lvl 100 into those other skills.
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have actual in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken on the way to lvl 100 + alternative skill options, you can check my pre-launch builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Juggler) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Some of the skill icon images you see could be outdated & differ from what is seen in the Full release version. I plan to replace them once the Beta ends or after the full launch
(active) Frenzy – Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing 26.83% (X – ?) damage with each pair of hits. Dealing damage with Frenzy increases Frenzy’s Attack Speed by +20% for 3 seconds up to 60% Requires dual-wielding weapons. Damage: Physical Generate Fury: 5 Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Frenzy – While Frenzy is granting +60% bonus Attack Speed, it also generates 1 additional Fury.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Combat Frenzy – You gain 8% (multiplicative) Damage Reduction for each stack of Frenzy you currently have.
(active) Hammer of the Ancients – Slam your hammer down with the fury of the ancients, dealing 107.31% X – ?) damage to a concentrated area. Requires a two-handed bludgeoning weapon. Damage: Physical Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients – Gain 10 Fury when Hammer of the Ancients damages 2 or more enemies.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Hammer of the Ancients – Gain Berserking for 2 seconds when hitting 2 or more enemies with Hammer of the Ancients.
(passive – NOT INVESTED INTO IT but good to consider) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) did not pick any other Core Passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active) Ground Stomp – Smash the ground, dealing 18.20% (X – ?) damage and Stunning enemies for 3 seconds. Damage: Physical Cooldown: 16.0 seconds
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Strategic Ground Stomp – Reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate skill by 1 second for each enemy damaged by Ground Stomp.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, Bosses, and Players is increased by 4% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive Passives to save points
BrawlingSkills (Required Points: 11 )
(active) Leap – Leap forward and slam downward, dealing 62.28% (X – ?) damage and Knocking Back nearby enemies on impact. Cooldown: 17.0 seconds Damage: Physical
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Leap – If Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Power Leap – If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain X Fury.
(passive)Aggressive Resistance – Gain 4% Damage Reduction while Berserking.
(upgrade)Battle Frenzy – When a Brawling Skill damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for 1 second.
(upgrade) Prolific Fury– did not pick to save points
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling Passives to save points
Weapon MasterySkills (Required Points: 16 )
(active) Steel Grasp – Throw out a trio of chains that deal 24.15% (X – ?) damage and Pull In enemies. Charges: 2 Charge Cooldown: 11.0 seconds Damage: Physical Tags: Weapon Mastery Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Steel Grasp – Steel Grasp also makes enemies Vulnerable for 2.5 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Warrior’s Steel Grasp – Steel Grasp gains 1 additional Charge.
(passive – only put 1 point to unlock the upgrades) Pit Fighter – You deal 3% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2% Distant Damage Reduction.
(passive – did not put any points here) No Mercy – You deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.
(passive – only put 1 point to unlock the next upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 8% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(passive – only put 1 point to save points) Expose Vulnerability – Dealing direct damage with a Weapon Mastery skill causes your next Core Skill to make enemies Vulnerable for 1.5 (multiplicative) seconds.
(passive – did not pick but worth considering) Thick Skin – Each time you take direct damage gain X Fortify.
(upgrade – did not pick but worth considering) Counteroffensive – While Fortified for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage.
(upgrade – did not pick but worth considering) Defensive Posture – Increase the Damage Reduction gained while you are Fortified by an additional +3%.
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Iron Maelstrom – Activate to attach a chain to your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon and slam the ground, dealing 63.00% (X – ?) damage and Stunning them for 2 seconds. Reactivate a second time to attach a chain to your Two-Handed Slashing weapon and swipe it in front of you, dealing 21.00% (X – ?) damage and 126.00% (X) Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Reactivate a final time to attach a chain to your Dual Wield weapons and swing them around you, dealing 34.13% (X – ?) damage per hit. Requires a Full Arsenal of weapons. Cooldown: 60.0 seconds Damage: Physical Tags: Ultimate
(1st upgrade) Prime Iron Maelstrom – Iron Maelstrom gains +10% increased Critical Strike Chance and deals 20% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Supreme Iron Maelstrom – Dealing direct damage to an enemy after swapping weapons reduces Iron Maelstrom’s Cooldown by 1 second.
(passive – only put 1 point to unlock the upgrades and save points) Tempered Fury – Increase your Maximum Fury by 3.
(upgrade) Furious Impulse – Each time you swap weapons, gain 2 Fury.
(upgrade – only put 2 points to save points) Invigorating Fury – Heals you for 2% of your Maximum Life for each 100 Fury spent.
(passive – – did not take this to save points) Wallop – Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage if the enemy is Stunned or Vulnerable.
(upgrade – – did not take this to save points) Concussion – Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a 10% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds, or up to a 15% chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.
(passive) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.
(upgrade – did not take this to save points) Brute Force – Your Overpower deals 15% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: It seems that unlocking this skill upgrade requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) did not pick any other Ultimate Passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Walking Arsenal – Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants 10% (multiplicative) increased damage for 6 seconds. While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional 15% (multiplicative) increased damage.
Arsenal (Class Mechanic):
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-wielding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons are Slashing and can be Swords, Axes, or Maces (strange why the 1H Maces are clumped together with Swords & Axes under Slashing and not listed as Bludgeoning maybe the information I found is incorrect… hopefully 1h Maces are not Slashing)
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you got for a swap-centric build
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my pre-launch builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Juggler) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Aspect of The Relentless Armsmaster
Amulet: Aspect of Retribution
Chest: Aspect of Tempering Blows
Pants: Aspect of Bul-Kathos
Gloves: Relentless Berserker’s Apect
Boots: Aspect of Shared Misery
Ring 1: Aspect of The Umbral
Ring 2: Aspect of Unrelenting Fury
1H Weapon: Windstriker Aspect
Off-hand: Aspect of Ancestral Echoes
2-H Weapon One (see Class Mechanic for info): Aspect of Ancestral Force
2-H Weapon Two (see Class Mechanic for info): Aspect of Veteran Brawler
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the JugglerBarbarian Build for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
(flay the skin off of their bones and bleed them dry)
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV‘s Open Beta Tests are almost here and I felt motivated to make some Pre-Launch theorycrafted semi-builds that should be good for ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters when the game launches. I also plan to evolve them into FULL builds when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Barbarian Class called Butcher.
The Beta tests will only let us reach lvl 25 and only let us play in the first Act/Zone (Fractured Peaks) so those builds will be more useful for the actual game launch and ideally for characters around lvl 50+ or 60+. I’ve used 50+ and 60+ skill points when making the build instead of the full 100 so that they can be used to jumpstart a player’s post-story endgame grind.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect that work well with the build so one can spend the extra skill points on the way to lvl 100 into those other skills.
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have actual in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken on the way to lvl 100 + alternative skill options, you can check my pre-launch builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Butcher) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Some of the skill icon images you see could be outdated & differ from what is seen in the Full release version. I plan to replace them once the Beta ends or after the full launch
(active) Flay – Flay the enemy, dealing 9.58% (X – ?) damage. Inflicts 80.48% (X) Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Requires a slashing weapon. Damage: Physical Generate Fury: 9 Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Flay – Flay has a 10% chance to make the enemy Vulnerable for 2 seconds. Double this chance when using a Two-Handed weapon.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Battle Flay – When Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, they take 10% (multiplicative) increased Bleeding damage for the next 3 seconds.
(active) Rend – Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing 23.00% (X – ?) damage and inflicting 183.96% (X) Bleeding over 5 seconds. Requires a slashing weapon. Damage: Physical Fury Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rend – Dealing direct damage with Rend extends the duration of Vulnerable on enemies by 2 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Furious Rend – Direct damage with Rend grants 4 Fury per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 Fury.
(passive – NOT INVESTED INTO IT but good to consider) Pressure Point – Lucky Hit: Your Core Skills have up to a 10% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
(passive) Endless Fury – Basic Skills generate 5% (multiplicative) more Fury when using Two-Handed weapons.
(passive) did not pick any other Core Passives to save points
DefensiveSkills (Required Points: 6 )
(active) Challenging Shout – Taunt nearby enemies and gain 40% (multiplicative) Damage Reduction for 10.4 seconds. Cooldown: 16.0 seconds
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Challenging Shout – While Challenging Shout is active, gain +20% bonus Maximum Life.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Tactical Challenging Shout – While Challenging Shout is active you gain 3 Fury each time you take damage.
(passive) Imposing Presence – Gain 15% (multiplicative) additional Maximum Life.
(upgrade) Martial Vigor – Damage Reduction against Elites, Bosses, and Players is increased by 4% (multiplicative).
(passive) did not pick any other Defensive Passives to save points
BrawlingSkills (Required Points: 11 )
(active) Charge – Become Unstoppable and rush forward pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for 47.91% (X – ?) damage and knocking them back. Cooldown: 17.0 seconds Damage: Physical
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Charge – Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain by Charge take 28.74% (X – ?) damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Power Charge – Reduce Charge’s Cooldown by 3 seconds if it Knocks Back an enemy into terrain.
(passive)Booming Voice – Shout skill durations are increased by 30% (multiplicative).
(upgrade) Raid Leader–did not pick to save points
(upgrade) Guttural Yell – Your Shout Skills cause enemies to deal 8% (multiplicative) less damage for 5 seconds.
(passive)Aggressive Resistance – Gain 4% Damage Reduction while Berserking.
(upgrade) Battle Frenzy– did not pick to save points
(upgrade) Prolific Fury– did not pick to save points
(passive) did not pick any other Brawling Passives to save points
Weapon MasterySkills (Required Points: 16 )
(active) Rupture – Skewer enemies in a line, inflicting 13.65% (X – ?) damage then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount receiving all Bleeding damage from them. Requires a slashing weapon. Cooldown: 15.0 seconds Damage: Physical Tags: Weapon Mastery Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
(1st upgrade) Enhanced Rupture – If an enemy dies while being skewered by Rupture, then reset its Cooldown. Enemies who survive take 20% (multiplicative) increased Bleeding damage for the next 8 seconds.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Warrior’s Rupture – Killing enemies with Rupture increases your Attack Speed by +20% for 4 seconds.
(passive – only put 1 point to unlock the upgrades) Pit Fighter – You deal 3% (multiplicative) increased damage to Close enemies and gain 2% Distant Damage Reduction.
(passive – did not put any points here) No Mercy – You deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.
(passive – only put 1 point to unlock the next upgrade) Slaying Strike – You deal 8% increased damage against Injured enemies.
(passive – only put 1 point to save points) Expose Vulnerability – Dealing direct damage with a Weapon Mastery skill causes your next Core Skill to make enemies Vulnerable for 1.5 (multiplicative) seconds.
(passive – did not pick but worth considering) Thick Skin – Each time you take direct damage gain X Fortify.
(upgrade – did not pick but worth considering) Counteroffensive – While Fortified for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage.
(upgrade – did not pick but worth considering) Defensive Posture – Increase the Damage Reduction gained while you are Fortified by an additional +3%.
(passive – only put 1 point to save points) Hamstring – Your Bleeding effects Slow enemies by 10%
(passive) Cut to the Bone – Your Bleeding effects deal 6% (multiplicative) increased damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )
(active) Call of the Ancients – Call upon 3 Ancients to aid you in battle for 6 seconds. Korlic leaps at enemies, dealing 80.00% (X – ?) damage and swings his weapon in a Frenzy dealing 30.00% (X – ?) damage per hit. Talic spins in a Whirlwind rapidly attacking enemies for 50.00% (X – ?) damage. Madawc Upheaves the ground, dealing 150.00% (X – ?) damage. Cooldown: 50.0 seconds Damage: Physical Tags: Ultimate
(1st upgrade)Prime Call of the Ancients – While Call of the Ancients is active, gain +10% bonus Attack Speed and 10% (multiplicative) increased damage.
(2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Supreme Call of the Ancients – Each of the Ancients gains additional power: Korlic: You gain 10 Fury each time Korlic damages an enemy with Frenzy. Talic: Enemies are Slowed by 50% for 1 second when damaged by his Whirlwind. Madawc: 30% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds when using his Upheaval.
(passive – did not pick but worth considering) Tempered Fury – Increase your Maximum Fury by 3.
(upgrade) Furious Impulse – DID NOT INVEST in this to save points
(upgrade – did not pick but worth considering) Invigorating Fury – Heals you for 2% of your Maximum Life for each 100 Fury spent.
(passive – did not pick due to using Slashing) Wallop – Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage if the enemy is Stunned or Vulnerable.
(upgrade – did not pick due to using Slashing) Concussion – Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a 10% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds, or up to a 15% chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.
(passive) Heavy Handed – While using Two-Handed weapons you deal 5% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage.
(upgrade) Brute Force – Your Overpower deals 15% (multiplicative) increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon *NOTE: It seems that unlocking this skill upgrade requires investing into either Wallop OR Heavy Handed (can still get both if you want)
(passive) did not pick any other Ultimate Passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )
(passive) Gushing Wounds – Killing a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 11.55% (X) Bleeding damage over 3 seconds.
Arsenal (Class Mechanic):
The Barbarian class mechanics is called Arsenal and this is how I believe it works:
The Barbarian class can equip 4 weapons at the same time: a Dual-wielding set of 2x One-Handed weps + two separate Two-Handed weapons (not dual-weilding those). They switch in combat between those based on what weapon is assigned to specific skills via the class unique Arsenal System. So each skill can have its own weapon assigned to it as long as it’s one of the 4 weapons equipped. The weps you don’t actually use work as ‘stat sticks’. Here are the types:
Dual Wielded 1-Handed Weapons are Slashing and can be Swords, Axes, or Maces (strange why the 1H Maces are clumped together with Swords & Axes under Slashing and not listed as Bludgeoning maybe the information I found is incorrect… hopefully 1h Maces are not Slashing)
The two slots of Two-Handed Weapons can be occupied by Slashing type weps like Swords, Axes, & Polearms and/or by Bludgeoning Maces
Ideally 1x 2h Slashing, 1x 2h Bludgeoning and a Dual Wield 1h combo for the 4 weps if you got for a swap-centric build
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my pre-launch builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Butcher) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Helm: Aspect of Shared Misery
Amulet: Aspect of Pummeling
Chest: Aspect of Anemia
Pants: Aspect of Numbing Wrath
Gloves: Relentless Berserker’s Apect
Boots: Wind Striker Aspect
Ring 1: Aspect of Echoing Fury
Ring 2: Aspect of Unrelenting Fury
1H Weapon: Aspect of Berserk Ripping
Off-hand: Aspect of Veteran Brawler
2-H Weapon One (see Class Mechanic for info): Aspect of Retribution
2-H Weapon Two (see Class Mechanic for info): Aspect of The Dire Whirlwind
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
♦ ◊ ♦ ◊ ♦
This concludes the ButcherBarbarian Build for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):