Arrowstorm Rogue BUILD for Diablo IV
Diablo IV launches on June 6th, 2023 for PC (Battle.Net), XBOX, & PlayStation with a 4 days Early Access (no wipe) for pre-orders (so kind of really launching June 2nd).
Diablo IV’s Open Beta Tests are almost here and I felt motivated to make some Pre-Launch theorycrafted semi-builds that should be good for ‘fresh-into-endgame’ characters when the game launches. I also plan to evolve them into FULL builds when the game is released & keep them updated when we get rebalance updates. This is one such build for the Rogue Class called Arrowstorm.
The Beta tests will only let us reach lvl 25 and only let us play in the first Act/Zone (Fractured Peaks) so those builds will be more useful for the actual game launch and ideally for characters around lvl 50+ or 60+. I’ve used 50+ and 60+ skill points when making the build instead of the full 100 so that they can be used to jumpstart a player’s post-story endgame grind.
I’ve also made spreadsheets for those builds (see the links below) that have shortlisted the active and passive skills + legendary aspect that work well with the build so one can spend the extra skill points on the way to lvl 100 into those other skills.
This build will be updated post-launch to a new & expanded version when I have actual in-game information as reference.
Video Version:
Skill Trees
Below you’ll see ONLY the Active & Passive skills that were selected for this build. For additional skills that can be taken on the way to lvl 100 + alternative skill options, you can check my pre-launch builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Arrowstorm) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
Some of the skill icon images you see could be outdated & different from what is seen in the Full release version. I plan to replace them once the Beta ends or after the full launch
Basic Skill (Resource Generator/Builder) (Required Points: 0 )

- (active) Heart Seeker – Fire an arrow that seeks an enemy, dealing 66.82% (X – ?) damage and increasing your Critical Strike Chance against them by +3% for 4 seconds, up to +15%. Requires a Ranged Weapon Damage: Physical Tags: Basic, Ranged
- (1st upgrade) Enhanced Heart Seeker – When Heartseeker Critically Strikes, gain +6% Attack Speed for 5 seconds. Double this amount if the enemy is Vulnerable.
- (2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Fundamental Heart Seeker – Heartseeker also increases the Critical Strike Damage the enemy takes by +4% for 4 seconds, up to +20%.
Core Skill(s) (Resource Spender) (Required Points: 2 )

- (active) Barrage – Unleash a barrage of 5 arrows that expands outwards, each dealing 49.63% (X – ?) damage, Each arrow has a 20% chance to ricochet off an enemy up to 1 time. Ricochets deal 40% of the arrow’s base damage. Combo Points increase damage and Arrows Fired: 1: 31% damage & 6 arrows ; 2: 36% damage & 7 arrows ; 3: 41% damage & 8 arrows Energy Cost: 21 Damage: Physical Tags: Core, Ranged, Imbueable
- (1st upgrade) Enhanced Barrage – Barrage’s ricochet chance is increased to 100% for arrows that damage a Vulnerable enemy or Critical Strike an enemy
- (2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Advanced Barrage – Barrage gains 8% increase Critical Strike Chance against Crowd Controlled enemies.
- (passive) Sturdy – You gain +12% Melee Damage Reduction.
- (upgrade) Siphoning Strikes – did not pick to save points
- (passive) did not pick other Core passives to save points
Agility Skills (Required Points: 6 )

- (active) Caltrops – Leap backwards and throw Caltrops on the ground, dealing 71.59% (X – ?) damage and slowing enemies by 50%. Lasts 6 seconds. Energy Cost: 21 Damage: Physical Tags: Agility, Trap
- (1st upgrade) Enhanced Caltrops – Enemies take 3% (multiplicative) increased damage from all sources each second they’re in Caltrops.
- (2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Disciplined Caltrops – You have 15% Critical Strike Chance against enemies inside your Caltrops. Double this amount against Vulnerable enemies.
- (passive) Weapon Mastery – Gain a bonus when attacking based on weapon type: Daggers: 15.0% (multiplicative) increased damage to Healthy enemies. Swords: 9% (multiplicative) increased damage. Bows: Up to 12% (multiplicative) increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Crossbows: 15% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage. For all weapons: Vulnerable enemies take 20% (multiplicative) increased damage Healthy characters have more than 80% of their life.
- (passive) did not pick other Agility passives to save points
Subterfuge Skills (Required Points: 11 )

- (active) Stealth – Cloak yourself with shadows to hide from enemies for 4 seconds. Attacks during Stealth break Stealth and deal 50% more damage. You are Unstoppable and can move through enemies freely while in Stealth. Cooldown: 16.0 seconds. Tags: Subterfuge
- (1st upgrade) Enhanced Stealth – You gain 40 Energy when you enter Stealth.
- (2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Subverting Stealth – The skill that breaks Stealth makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- (passive) Exploit – You deal 18% (multiplicative) increased damage to Healthy and Injured enemies.
- (upgrade) Malice – You deal 9% (multiplicative) increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
- (passive) did not pick other Subterfuge passives to save points
Imbuements Skills (Required Points: 16 )

- (active) Imbue Weapon: Cold – Imbue your weapons with frigid energies. Your next 2 non-Basic Melee or Ranged Skills deal Cold damage and Chill enemies for up to 50%. Cold Imbued skills deal 15% (multiplicative) damage to Crowd Controlled enemies. Cooldown: 9.0 seconds. Tags: Imbuements
- (1st upgrade) Enhanced Imbue Weapon: Cold – Cold Imbued Skills have up to a 30% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- (2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Mixed Imbue Weapon: Cold – Cold Imbued Skills deal 30% (multiplicative) increased damage to Frozen enemies.
- (passive) Frigid Finesse – You deal 5% (multiplicative) increased damage to Chilled enemies. This bonus increases to 10% (multiplicative) against Frozen enemies.
- (upgrade DID NOT take to save points) Chilling Weight – Chilled enemies have their Movement Speed further reduced by up to 10%.
- (passive) did not pick other Imbuements passives to save points
Ultimate Skills (Required Points: 23 )

- (active) Rain of Arrows – Arrows rain down over a large area 2 times, each wave dealing 238.63% (X – ?) damage. Cooldown: 60.0 seconds. Damage: Physical Tags: Ultimate, Ranged, Imbueable
- (1st upgrade) Prime Rain of Arrows – Imbuement Skill effects applied by Rain of Arrows are 20% (multiplicative) stronger.
- (2nd upgrade – my pick of the 2) Supreme Rain of Arrows – Rain of Arrows’ second wave Knocks Down enemies for 3 seconds.
- (passive) Innervation – Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to gain 5 Energy.
- (upgrade) Second Wind – Every 100 Energy you spend grants you +10% increased Lucky Hit Chance for 5 seconds.
- (upgrade) Alchemist’s Fortune – DID NOT INVEST in this to save points
- (passive) Aftermath – After using an Ultimate Skill, restore 25 Energy.
- (passive) did not pick other Ultimate passives to save points
Specializations (Required Points: 33 )

- (passive) Precision – Critical Strikes with Ranged Skills grant you Precision. You gain 4% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage per stack of Precision, up to a maximum of 20% (multiplicative). When you reach maximum Precision, your next Ranged Skill is a guaranteed Critical Strike that deals 40% (multiplicative) increased Critical Strike Damage, then consumes all stacks of Precision.
Class Mechanic:
I don’t have much information about the 3 Specializations of the Rogue which are their Class Mechanics:
- Combo Points – Your Basic Skills now generate Combo Points. Certain Skills consume Combo Points for additional effects.
- Inner Sight – Attack marked enemies to fill up your Inner Sight gauge. When it’s full, gain unlimited Energy for 4 seconds.
- Preparation – This specialization was not available during the closed beta builds of the game.

My guess is that it would be best to switch between specializations depending on the situation/content. For now I won’t go into detail or say use only a certain one of those until the game launches and I try them out.
Legendary Aspects / Powers
I will only list the Legendary Aspects that have been selected for the build and the slots in which I advise putting those. For in-depth information you can check my pre-launch builds spreadsheet on this link. This build (Arrowstorm) is one of the builds on that spreadsheet.
- Helm: Aspect of The Umbral
- Amulet: Aspect of Pummeling
- Chest: Aspect of Shared Misery
- Pants: Aspect of Might
- Gloves: Aspect of Sleeting Imbuements
- Boots: Ghostwalker Aspect
- Ring 1: Aspect of Retribution
- Ring 2: Aspect of Branching Volleys
- 1H Weapon: see NOTE below
- Off-hand: see NOTE below
- 2-H Weapon (if you decide to use one): Aspect of Arrow Storms
NOTE: You'll be using a 2H Bow or Crossbow for this build but I did include suggested picks for 1H hand + off-hand just in case. Not sure if there are any 1H ranged weapons If using 1H + off-hand might be best to move Aspect of Arrow Storms onto the Amulet slot and move Aspect of Pummeling elsewhere into the 1H or off-hand slot).
Useful Links (Spreadsheets & more):
For all of my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Theorycrafts/Builds: This Spreadsheet
For my Diablo IV Pre-Launch Class Skill Trees (can be used as mini-calculator): This Spreadsheet
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This concludes the Arrowstorm Rogue Build for Diablo IV. If you’re interested in the game below are links to the various platforms where one can buy it (you can just click the links to open a new tab):
PC (Battle.Net)